Kama’aina Healing
Is based on the principle of healing others through massage. Healing the Mind, Body and Spirit. Encompassing many different modalities to heal the body.
Techniques include:
Swedish, Deep Tissue
Hot Stone, Sport Massage
Lomi Lomi, Energy Work
Shiatsu, Thai Massage
Acupressure, Pre-natal
And many others.
Each massage is customized and catered on an individual basis, from a 91 year old woman, to a fit 20 year old athlete. Kamaʻaina Healing is about healing people in any stage of their life.
What is Kamaʻaina Healing?
Kamaʻaina means, one from the land, or native born. So in essence Kamaʻaina Healing is healing from the land of Hawaiʻi. The ʻManaʻ that passes from the ʻAinaʻ (land, mother earth) through our Naʻau, or soul.
Many common issues can be resolved through a healing massage. Issues such as: Headaches, Back pain, Hip Pain, Numbness, Loss of circulation, Tingling Arms, Spasms, Twinges, Limited ROM (range of motion) and many others, are connected through the muscular tissue of the body. When muscles are tight and tense, It can cause these common issues to surface throughout your daily life.
Kamaʻaina healing is healing others through a network of massage modalities. Pain relief is the main objective in the healing sessions; most requiring deep tissue work. Traditional Hawaiʻian Lomi Lomi massage is avaliable as well. A modality that has been passed down through the generations.
What is Lomilomi Massage?
In Hawaiian Language, the word traditionally means “to knead, to rub, or sooth; to work in and out, as the paws of a contented cat,” it also means to transform. The early Polynesian settlers brought their own form of massage to Hawaii thousands of years ago, and it evolved to become something uniquely Hawaiian. It was practiced by everyone from child to chief. As an indigenous practice it evolved throughout the Hawaiian Island chain, there are many different schools of Lomilomi, most are taught by the elders within the family. Each family having a different approach and technique to heal.
Unlike traditional Lomilomi massage usually done by the Kupuna (elder) recognized by the Hawaiian community who requires students to study with them for years, some massage schools around the world purport and distort true Hawaiian Lomilomi. Training their students in a few short hours, to a few days learning simple techniques to call it Lomilomi. This ʻtourist Lomilomiʻ differs from authentic Hawaiian Lomilomi. Lomilomi isnʻt about giving a good massage, it is a gateway to opening oneʻs self to a higher understanding and reasoning. Lomilomi is about the ʻHaʻ (breath), the life of a person; their essence not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually.
Lomilomi is about healing the person in their entirety, guidance on their path here on earth. The exchange of ʻHaʻ (breath of life) from Healer to client, the ʻManaʻ (energy, life force) from ʻAkua (God) passes through from Healer to client. Allowing the energy to flow throughout the body that can truly heal the person on a profound deeper level.
The Lomilomi Massage can be physically benefitial to everyone, emotionally and spiritually; can heal trauma burried deep inside our subconscious if you want and choose to have that healing.

Senator Russel Ruderman
District 2
Hilo, Hāwaiʻi
September 23rd, 2017
Kealoha is not only a great Massage therapist. But she truly is a healer. I have had chronic lower back pain for 6+yrs. As a busy politician I am always flying back and forth, sitting in lengthy government meetings and working on the computer constantly. I went to a physical therapist and my doctor which provided little relief. I found Kealoha, and her work astounded me. My pain was reduced by half after the first session and continued to get better after every treatment! When my wife was pregnant she had terrible back pain from carrying our daughter and Kealoha was once again their to heal and offer advise. I really admire her knowledge about the body and her explanations that just made sense. Her character to be present with you is captivating. Kealoha is by far the best therapist I have ever been to and Iʻve been a happy client for 2+years.
Russell Ruderman

Barbara Segal
Keystone, Montana
July 13th, 2017
Dear Kealoha,
This is my safe place. Here I laugh, I breath, I weep, I grieve; and with your hands and heart, I heal…
I bring you this tired, old body, and you heal the child within it, and bring her health and energy…
I love the peace and grave and holiness you bring to my life…
Love and Aloha,
Barbara Segal

Rachel Harper
Auckland, New Zealand
March 26th, 2017
I was fortunate enough to meet Kealoha during her holiday through New Zealand. From the moment I came into her presence I felt a instance sense of calmness and peace. I knew she was a healer of the greater degree.
Working in a physical, labour intensive job, my body often aches and I generally have trouble relaxing and falling asleep at night. I recieved 2 lomilomi massages from Kealoha in as many days. Kealoha had these magical hands and her gift of healing has left long lasting positive effects.
She applied pressure to the sensitive places and with my permission she worked these painful areas to a point of strenuous relaxation. Her soft voice would reassure me to relax and each time I could feel the weight slip off my shoulders. Kealoha seems to have this knowing of which areas needed harder pressure and which areas needed a softer touch. Her intuitive nature left me feeling as though the massage was catered for my individual needs.
I left the massages with a tranquil composure. The areas of my lower back which Kealoha seemed to have focused on felt warm and well worked, I could immediately tell circulation had increased and would describe an instant relief. These next few nights I slept like a baby which is highly unusual for myself. I felt a mental repose and my felt body at peace. Work for the following days were painless. Energy was high and my lethargic tempo of lately had turned right around.
Kealoha’s work is something very special. She seems to use Mana in a way which very few posses the power to do. She works as a healer on the body but her healings are felt through the mind and soul collectively. She embodies love and purity and I can confidently say it’s the best massage I’ve ever had. A healing from Kealoha is a whole experience and if anyone is lucky enough to cross paths with her then I’d recommend taking the opportunity to experience the hands of this Hawaiian goddess
Thank you Kealoha for the most amazing massage Iʻve ever had!
-Rachel Harper
John Clemmons
Alexandria, Egypt
October 25th, 2016
Dear Reader,
I know you have stumbled upon this testimonial, and I wanted you to hear it from me and my words my experience with Kealoha. I grew up in the Middle East, and I experienced war at a very early age, but it always seemed a natural state, and was all I knew. As an adult, I chose a profession of service to humanity, and as “they” call me, a “sheepdog”; protector of the flock of innocent humans from the “wolves.” I would standing in harms way to protect the innocent and weak in a war torn country. Needless to say, my experience overseas and the ability to speak the language placed me in a very small group of capable individuals. I served my country and community for almost 20 years in a direct confrontational aspect…no real break. During my tenure, I received 2 Purple Hearts, 3 life saving awards, and 3 medals of valor. The unfortunate part was; the one thing I received in the process was Post Traumatic Stress, which it’s truly worse than any physical injury. The pain and trauma from PTSD is truly indescribable, only veterans can truly relate to my story. Physical pain that coincided from emotional trauma, the intense pressure I was under gave me great respect in the military. Carrying out duties that few others could. I had to provide this background so you can understand just how much Kealoha has helped me.
After just one session with you, every one of my injuries that have given me problems for such a long time have vanished, I was dumbfounded. I went to you with an open mind; believing you were the real deal after all the testimonials I read. Since my session, my nightmares have all but ended. I’m not saying they are gone but I am in such a better place; Last night I slept through the whole night for the first time in, well, I can’t remember when. I slept for 12 hours pain Free! No amount of medication, prescription drug, phycological therapy, could do what you did with just one session. I cant describe it, but it is something truly remarkable, truly unique. I was a skeptic, and now I am a believer. I know that healing is true I know it is real because I experienced it.I am so deeply thankful to you and for you and I thank you from the deepest and most sincere part of my being. Much love, peace, and blessing to you and your loved ones. Continue to heal people, continue to heal the world. I am truly greatful to have met you..
John Michael Clemmons

Courtenay Pollock
Powell River, British Columbia, Canada
June 13th, 2016
I am 70 years of age and have lived and played hard all my life, I work with my hands putting in many long hours at the work table often 7 days a week. My body has suffered many traumas including a devastating car wreck that took most of my right lung, but within a year I was getting back to marathon running again and continuing to push my limits. I still work out each day so am used to feeling a bit sore but thought I was pretty much pain free.
My dear friend Olive called me to say her friend Kealoha was in town from Hawaii and would be accepting bookings for healing massage. I had no idea what I was in for.
Kealoha arrived at my little cottage on the water here in Powell River, B.C. early this morning. She is a stunning and athletic beauty with a luminous spirit that radiates health and joy. We chatted for a bit and she made me feel as though we were old friends right away.
She started the healing massage I now I knew I was in for an exquisite and excruciating session. I didn’t have any idea how much pain I was carrying in my body. Kealoha literally penetrated to the core of my being. Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more the massage would go deeper. To call the healing a massage is some kind of gross understatement. She pours her whole being into her work. I knew that this was a golden opportunity for me to receive this treatment and make the most of this visit before Kealoha returns to Hawaii. So I managed to breathe my way through the pain and not ‘Tap out’.
I am feeling so light and easy and fluid in my body and mind and spirit now just an hour after the treatment, but I know the real benefits are going to continue to reveal themselves as my body mind and spirit assimilates the healing.
This has been a life changing event. I know this absolutely.
Thank you forever Kealoha
All love,
Courtenay Pollock

Joseph Douglas Harrington
Pahoa, Hawaiʻi
September 1st, 2015
Dear Reader,
I met Kealoha at a time that my life was quite full of inner and outer turmoil and emotional pain. I felt the need for something more than psychotherapy that I was receiving. After 8 months of weekly therapy sessions, my mental health counselor suddenly exploded and quit in frustration. She did not seem to be able to understand or deal with the pains I was living with on a daily basis.
I knew I needed something else, that my physical body was hurting as well, needing massage and relaxation of muscle tension.. Kealoha told me she practiced lomi lomi, and I asked what that means.. she simply explained ‘I am a healer’. I sensed she would know what I needed, and her compassion and care spilled into spirit and true dedication to her healing art.
What I thought would be a ‘feel good’ massage surprised me to be some excruciatingly painful work on my body. I was encouraged to relax, breathe, and allow the work to go deeper.. and more painful. I still knew nothing about the laupa ‘au, the tradition of lomi lomi from the Hawaiian culture.. I was experiencing the release of pains very deep.
I teased her, ‘You look like such a nice girl but you hurt me so bad!”
The next day I felt amazingly free inside. My body was quite different feeling. I was queasy at first, very tired from the release. I had to asses what the changes were, and my body moved more freely than I had experienced in years, or ever. I realized that pains I related to emotions were also gone. My sleep patterns changed. This was after the first sessions with Kealoha and with me knowing nothing of the prayer and deep spirit healing that the lomi lomi tradition is about.
After each session with her my body stands straighter, moves so much more freely. I discovered joints that I did not know were supposed to move. I breathe more deeply as my upper body has released tension and pains that were stored in tissue for many years. Though not what one may think of as ‘pleasant’, I crave the work she does on me now. It is a discovery of the person I am in profound ways.
In just a few sessions I feel transformed. The huge impact of Kealoha’s work healing me went beyond my physical body, it changed so much in my outlook, in my being and in my consciousness. I highly and deeply appreciate her work and recommend her to heal what ails you. I am forever grateful..
mahalo nui..
Malama Pono,

Steven Philip Poulin
Volcano, Hawaiʻi
July 21th, 2015
Kealoha is a true Healer. What she has learned from her families healing method of the Polynesians is very very unique on this wonderful planet earth.The healing technique that she possesses from her ancient Polynesian roots it’s quite fascinating to me. My hope is to work with her on a continual basis and see where I get, and see where she can progress to help me re-establish balance in what I have left in this human body I reside in.
Over time since November 1974, I’ve had a dozen surgeries to fix my bones, I have over 100 pieces of metal implanted in my body as a result. All that I have had done, has been necessary to get to where I am now, which is a very different body that I was in before I damaged my back and became paralyzed in 1974.
I have begun to feel it work its magic as I sit here this morning, hours after meeting her and receiving a treatment. My body has overwhelmingly continuing to stop spasming and my legs are relaxed for the first time in over 20 years. I am literally overwhelmed by the effects the healing has had on me, in less than 24 hour from when she worked on me. I am blessed to have met such a person that has done such a change in my life in just one session with Kealoha.
I have now been up for a while and my body is so much more relaxed, my legs are almost calm which is very unusual for my condition and paralysis.
ne of the reasons my body is so spastic is because I’ve continued to be active after breaking my back. What I mean by that is, I continued to do aggressive sports and activities that has continually putting me in the hospital for four additional surgery since 2002. These four surgeries were to fuse my lower back from T8 into my pelvic bone. My back is now fused entirely from the base of my neck and my shoulders into my pelvic bone.
I myself do not have pain to speak of from the T5 up because I’ve been stretching and exercising and maintaining what movement I still had in my body.
As I continue to sit here it’s becoming obvious to me things are improving. Not only have my legs relaxed; so is my stomach and back from T5 down. This is almost beyond words to how she has changed my life, that’s why this is becoming so lengthy. My shoulders and neck and ribs are more relaxed because the tension is off of them also. I did not realize how much tension and how much effort it takes to control spasms and lack of control to my lower body. My alignment is better, I am sit straighter now. My legs line up better in my chair, my feet and ankles are relaxed.
What I found so interesting when she worked on my legs and hips to calm them down, I could actually feel what she was doing. I have not had any feelings such as that since I broke my back over 40 years!
I’ve been looking for someone to help get my legs to relax so they would stop spasming, since my massage they havenʻt. I was going to go to India to look into the AraVedic medicine but I think I will stay here and work with her instead.
This lady is one of the true people that I found that can help me get to where I need to get to at this point in my life. I was injured at age 18, I am now 59 years old, what a relief to finally have found her. My breathing is deeper, my abdomen, chest, arms, entire body, are relaxing deeper as I anxiously await my next session.
What a joy and a fortunate thing to have found her. I am truly thankful and grateful for her work.
My intellect which controls my mind my body and my soul are at peace. itʻs very hard for me to say this, I’m living it that’s why I don’t even have to believe it, her healing is true, its profound and life changing.
They say seeing is believing, and this is not seeing to believe, I’m living it, the healing is real. If this healing continues all I can say is I’m blessed as I’ve always been blessed since birth!
Sincerely with all my heart,
Steven Philip Poulin

Col, Chuck Sanders
Mountain View, Hawaii
July 10th, 2014
When I first met Kealoha; I truly did not believe in massage therapy. I had seen so many of the would-be massage therapists at the markets and actually tried one of them once, and the other told me I was too big for him to be able to help me. I had come to believe that all you needed to do to be a massage therapist; was act like a hippie, and look intoxicated all the time.
While serving 3 tours in Vietnam as a US Marine, I was wounded twice and had shrapnel lodged in the head of my femur and subsequently lost both hips and had them replaced. My lower back is inundated with multiple pieces of shrapnel and causes intense pain virtually all the time. These are tiny pieces of metal that are residuals of munitions fired at us from the enemy forces. And having served twenty years in the United States Marines, I know my level of pain. Well, I was at a point where I could barely walk, walking just caused severe and intense pain.
Kealoha assured me she could help me; and actually for the first time, she was able to explain exactly where and why my pain was becoming debilitating. I finally broke down and gave her a chance and to my surprise she was able to relieve the bulk of my pain and had me up and running. When she started working on me I was barely able to go .8 tenths of a mile or ten minutes on the elliptical machine, now I go twice a day for thirty minutes and have no pain while doing it. I have lost twenty four pounds of fat because of her expertise in resolving some of my issues, and feel ten years younger.
When I met Kealoha my first impression was she was a very young attractive woman who could not have had very much experience, so I was initially reluctant to put much faith in her. As she allowed and I allowed myself to get to know her, I began to realize her abilities and knowledge far exceeded her biological age, she is an old soul in a young body. She appears to operate on what I would construe as a Spiritual level, somehow seeing inside the body and focusing on the root cause of the problem. I have learned and accepted that the more information you share with her; about yourself, your past life, your injuries, the more she is able to focus on these root causes.
One final example of her expertise came on a Sunday when I awoke with excruciating pain and was unable to open my hand or grab anything. I awaited her arrival at the Makuʻu market and she instantly stopped every thing she was doing; being observant as she is, and within five minutes she stopped the pain and I was able to function at almost 100% normal again. I was in such intense pain I thought I would have to be taken to the emergency room since the pain started in my hand and wrist and emanated up to my forearm as far as my elbow. It was at this point she earned my total respect and I was humbled to be in the presence of such mastery of healing powers. Through my personal experience with her I would trust her with my life!
It is an honor that I humbly submit this statement and highly recommend her above all the other massage therapists I have ever met!
Bishop Dr, Chuck Sanders Col, Dccom, Dth

Tonya McLaughlin
Langley, British Colombia, Canada
April 25th, 2014
Dear Kealoha
When I first saw you my body, my spirit were off balance..and I think they were meant to be off balance…The Big Island’s gifts to me are her clarity and vibration. She reflects what needs to be seen just as my other home does in the Similkameen Valley of BC, Canada.
They show me what needs to be flushed and tended to.
You are an extension of the Island Kealoha; Her magic and her long forgotten stories are woven into peoples bodies through your touch.
I would not have come to you had I been in harmony with myself and my way of being. I intuitively knew spirit worked through you when I walked past you at the farmers market. I was ordered to go back and get your card by ‘that little voice’.
The womb healing I received was incredible and life changing. It finally gave voice to my unborn daughter and completed a circle that had to be finished.
Since then, I have continued to have clear vision and flush out all that does not belong in my energy; making way for my heart to become alive once more.
I was able to look at and begin releasing fear that I held onto for so long. Spirit and You, heard my soul. Validation. I see my Yin and Yang energy balanced and whole, and I love the Dance when i am in that quiet power where the two blur into the other..The Gray.
My Moon time returned (which was my first since December of 2013). The healing and flushing out that my body received prepared me to stand taller and as Peaceful warrior who leads with her heart, speaks clear with her tongue and has her inner vision and hearing wide open.
Jinshei Healing Arts

Nicholas J. Law
San Francisco, California
December 29th, 2012
Dear Kealoha,
I owe you the world, just as you gave me my world back. A simple thank you isn’t big enough to express the gratitude I have for what you did for me. What I thought would be a simple massage to rid me of a few cramps actually became life saving. I remember you asking me something along the lines of, “Do you want to be healed or do you want to just feel good?” As in, do you want therapeutic massage or do you want a basic everyday massage that anyone can get. And I remember thinking well, sure I want to be healed, I don’t want these cramps anymore if there is something you can do to rid me of them long term, do it. But it was deeper then that, wasn’t it? And, though I didn’t realize it then, I certainly do now.
I’ve been to some of the best and most world renowned spas known, and to this day, it is your hands, your soul, your “massage”, though I know it to be a healing, that I remember most and have benefited from most.
Before you, my life was chaotic and filled with static, which in truth was the stress that was causing my body to cramp, my mind to combust, and a cloud of negativity that smothered me and stormed my life for years. Before you my emotions were crippled, I was unable to feel, to cry, but I remember quite vividly crying that night in my sleep, and the next day and the next day and the next. My emotions were set free. The storm had passed and clarity was upon me.
I am currently in the midst of the happiest time of my life, and I truly have you to thank for that.
What you do and share with the world is something unparalleled. Your selflessness and generosity to provide such a favor to those in need is magnificent. You have a gift, you are a gift. Keep sharing it with the world, and healing those in need one at a time.
You have my love and sincerest gratitude.
Thank you!
Nicholas J. Law